Foster care

Through no fault of their own, some children are unable to live with their parents. But they still need a home.



Foster care is about providing a loving home to children and young people who have suffered abuse and neglect, and who are unable to remain safely at home.

Foster carers meet the child’s daily needs, and give children individual attention, love and care in a family setting.  Children can remain in foster care for short periods, possibly a week or two. However, every circumstance is different, and sometimes children cannot return home.



Eleanor’s Story –  a natural parents experience

We have always believed that children are best raised by their families where possible and where safe. It’s where they belong. Our valuable foster carers open their hearts and homes not just to children, but also to families when they find themselves in times of incredible stress and confusion. Our carers work diligently to make sure that parents are treated with respect, that they experience no judgement, and are included in the children’s future and day-to-day care. Our carers do this because that’s what’s best for children, a sense of belonging, a sense of self and identity.

If you have been thinking about opening your heart to children needing to feel safe and loved, why not listen to Eleanor’s story and get in touch with Laura in carer’s recruitment via



Kennerley Foster Care Booklet
