Moving On program

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Transitioning from a child to an adult is difficult for anyone.


Our Moving On program is targeted at children 15 years and over. This successful program began in 2003 and takes referrals from Child Safety Services for young people who are transitioning from foster care.

Research shows that in every state and territory, young people in their mid to late teens had worse life outcomes after leaving care.

Our Moving On program has been filling this gap in Tasmania, enabling children to reach their true potential, to gain their independence, and create a sense of hope for the future.

If you know a young person aged between 15–17 years who needs assistance with life skills, their self esteem, needs to be reconnected to their family, and are engaged in school or full time work, our special Moving On program could be the answer.




Moving On Program Booklet
Manual For Young People
Contract for Young People






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