Name of business/organisation
First contact name
Phone/mobile number
Second contact name
Postal Address
Pricing Information - prices are all inclusive of GST (please tick requirement)
Tier 1: $132; basic stall space, trestle table and two chairs
Tier 2: $165; powered site, larger stall space and up to four chairs
Tier 1: $99; basic stall space, trestle and two chairs
Tier 2: $132; powered site, larger stall space and up to 4 chairs
Please indicate clearly how your stall will relate your products or services to ensure that children get the best start, improve children’s resilience, assist their development and wellbeing if this is not self-explanatory.
I agree to the Guidelines for Participants.
For further information, contact Andrea / Carleene at Kenerley Children's, Hilder House on 6272 5900 / 0457 543 225.